About this site

The aim of Fedi.Tips is to help all kinds of people use Mastodon and the Fediverse.

This guide is entirely unofficial, I don’t have any connections to any of the developers or organisations that run Fedi servers or create Fedi software.

If you appreciate this site, you can buy me a coffee ⧉ or become a patron ⧉.

Contacting FediTips

You can follow me on the Fediverse at @FediTips@social.growyourown.services ⧉ and this same account can also be followed via RSS ⧉.

You can also email me at email@fedi.tips


The text of the articles are available to use on your own libre projects under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 ⧉, you can attribute by crediting and linking back to https://fedi.tips/

The artwork in the page header is by posiputt ⧉ and they have the copyright. It was specially commissioned for Fedi.Tips and is used with permission, but it is not creative commons. Please contact posiputt if you are interested in their artwork.

The logos of the various Fediverse platforms listed are available under whatever licences their creators gave. You can find most of them on Wikimedia Commons’ Fediverse Logos section ⧉ and on the JoinMastodon.org website ⧉.


The fonts used are Jackwrite and Jackwrite Bold by Jack Daw ⧉ / Fredrick Brennan and Hind Semibold by Indian Type Foundry ⧉, all under the SIL Open Font Licence. Fonts are hosted locally for maximum privacy.