How do I share posts on Mastodon and the Fediverse?

There are many ways to share posts from Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse. Which method you use depends on what kind of sharing you want to do.

How to share posts with people who follow me on Mastodon and the Fediverse

Click the Boost button below a post, which is usually a pair of spinning arrows, something like this 🔃 This will share the post in the Home timelines of everyone who follows you, and will also share it on your own profile’s timeline. (Boosting is also called a “re-blog” on some apps, but they mean the same thing.)

How to share posts with people outside the Fediverse

If you’re using a mobile app, there is usually a Share option below posts which is often shown as an arrow leaving a square. This will give you a range of things you can do including sharing a post on other apps on your device, just click the icon of the app you want to share the post to. There will also be options for opening the post in your web browser, or copying a link the post to your device’s clipboard so you can paste the link elsewhere.

How do I get a copy of a direct link to a post?

If you’re on a mobile app, click the Share button (the icon that looks like a square with an arrow leaving it), one of the options should be to copy a link to the post.

If you’re using Mastodon through the website or the web app, here’s how you can get a direct link to a post:

  1. Go to the post you want the link for
  2. Click the ⋯ below the post
  3. Select Copy link to this post

How do I embed a Mastodon post on a website or blog?

Mastodon’s website interface and web app let you copy embedding code for any post, which you can then paste into a website or blog that supports pasting custom HTML. See the embedding guide for more details on how to do this.

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