Is there a built-in language translation system on Mastodon?

Yes, it is now available to all Mastodon servers. If your server is running the service, you will see a “Translate” link underneath a post in a different language. If you don’t see these links, ask your server admin about it.

My server has translation services available and there’s a post in a foreign language, but it doesn’t have a translate link below it. What’s going on?

The feature relies on knowing which language you speak, so make sure your account’s language preferences are set correctly, as this will allow the system to automatically suggest translations for you.

The feature also relies on the person writing the post to have used the appropriate language setting for their post. If they have the incorrect language setting on a post, it may confuse the translation system. This is why it is important to set your posting language correctly too, so that your posts can be translated more easily by others.

Which apps is this available on?

This feature is currently only on the website interface, the web apps and also on some third party apps.

Wich providers does the translation system use?

Most servers use the open source translation providers LibreTranslate ⧉ or DeepL ⧉.

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